Thursday, November 19, 2009

Why I’ve Been MIA

I am so sorry that I haven’t posted lately.  But I have a very good reason!


MY FIRST BORN SON just came back to the US from his Navy tour (he is a pilot) to the Afghanistan region. 

We’ve had a really wonderful time catching up and had a HUGE Thanksgiving dinner last Sunday.  He and his family leave on Saturday to go back to CA until early December, then they are off to Japan for 2.5 years. 

See you sometime next week!

Be Blessed……Mimi


  1. What a beautiful family you have! Please thank your son for me; Serving our country is such a thankless job. My husband was in the Navy for 6 years; you must be very proud!


  2. So glad you are having wonderful family time. Enjoy it! I am off to find your instructions on how to make bread--it's my first time...

